
The purpose of this site is to provide helpful information to assist real people in solving their own conflicts. Our hope is to make the site a user friendly kind of clearinghouse of self-help conflict resolution and counseling type of information. The Editor of the site is a lawyer, who has no objection to charging a fee to help people with their conflicts, but believes most people, given a bit of assistance, can resolve many conflicts without professional help. And yes - he hope the ones who decide to seek professional help will consider him.

Much of the information on this site is not original. And it really shouldn't be. People have been resolving conflicts for a long time. The likelihood of any one person, or group, developing "unique" and valuable information, is not very likely. What we believe is unique is the accumulation of a large amount of such information, and its user friendly presentation.

Review the information. See if you find something that may be helpful. If you don't - you've lost a little time. If you do, maybe you can now resolve a conflict.

Good luck!

What is Conflict Counseling?

Conflict Counseling represents a novel and focused approach to dispute resolution that transcends the boundaries of traditional mediation and legal interventions. It is specifically designed to address and resolve isolated conflicts within various relationships, including those among families, couples, business partners, and within professional settings. Unlike the broader, more comprehensive process of mediation or the legal formalities involved in litigation, conflict counseling zeroes in on specific issues, aiming for swift and effective resolutions that prevent the escalation of disputes and mitigate potential harm to relationships.

This unique form of counseling employs a range of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution techniques typically reserved for the courtroom, making them accessible to individuals and groups seeking to resolve their disputes outside of a legal context. By focusing on understanding and articulating the other party's position, conflict counseling fosters empathy and promotes innovative problem-solving, encouraging parties to reach amicable solutions that address the root of the conflict without the need for face-to-face confrontations.

The essence of conflict counseling lies in its ability to provide a targeted, efficient, and cost-effective means of dispute resolution. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to preserve their relationships while addressing specific points of contention. Through its unique approach, conflict counseling opens up new avenues for resolving conflicts, offering a pragmatic solution for individuals and groups looking to overcome disputes and move forward constructively.

Who Can Benefit from Conflict Counseling?

Anyone involved in a conflict or dispute can benefit from conflict counseling, as it provides a structured yet flexible approach to conflict resolution outside the traditional legal or therapeutic frameworks. Specifically, conflict counseling can be beneficial for:

Conflict counseling offers a unique and effective approach to dispute resolution, focusing on the specific needs and dynamics of the parties involved, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to resolve conflicts in a constructive and efficient manner.

Where Did Conflict Counseling Come From?

The idea of conflict counseling originated from a personal experience, reflecting a common scenario where traditional means of dispute resolution seemed inadequate. The founder, amid a recurring argument with their spouse, recognized the need for a specific type of intervention. This argument, like many others, was not rooted in deep relational issues that required marriage counseling or therapy, nor did it necessitate legal intervention. It was simply a persistent conflict that, despite the couple's best efforts, remained unresolved, highlighting a gap in available services for effectively addressing such disputes.

The realization came that what was needed was not a therapist, marriage counselor, psychologist, or lawyer in their traditional capacities, but rather someone who could employ negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution techniques specifically tailored to resolving interpersonal disputes outside of a legal framework. This need led to the concept of conflict counseling—a service aimed at providing professional assistance for resolving persistent conflicts that cause more harm to relationships than benefit.

The founder envisioned conflict counseling as a practice utilizing the analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills of a lawyer, but applied to typical interpersonal conflicts where legal services are not traditionally utilized. This included disputes between spouses, parents and children, and within other personal and professional relationships that did not intend to lead to litigation.

This innovative approach to conflict resolution was born out of a lack of existing services that fit this specific need. After searching unsuccessfully for someone to fulfill this role and finding no practical guides or services, the founder decided to become the solution they were seeking. By combining their legal training with a personal and philosophical interest in resolving conflicts, they laid the groundwork for what would become conflict counseling. This process underscored the unique potential of legal skills in non-litigious contexts, offering a new pathway for resolving disputes efficiently and effectively, thus filling a significant gap in the landscape of conflict resolution services.